Monday, April 16, 2012

Twitter Page Reveal!

Woot-woot! Ce-Ce`s Garden of Reviews finally has it own fan-twitter! Pretty soon Im going to hook that account up to my fb fanpage, and my twitter will be the place to get all the updates on my blog! Next month, I will be doing an extravaganza, and if there are any bloggers or authors out there who would like to bump up their twitter count, feel free to comment below or message me at,

to be put into the rafflecopter and to do your own little givaway. I will so explain that if you message me. Just put the subject as TWITTER EXTRAVAGANZA and I will not delete it and respond as soon as I can.

Now, onto the twitter reveal!


Just type in that username and follow me to get exclusive insight on my blog! Hope to see more followers!