Buttons I made

Hi! This page if for team buttons I decided to make. Yes, you may have seen them around, but not everyone's favorite person is made into a button, and most people who make the buttons seem to be swamped! So, I decided to memorillize characters from books that arent as popular as most, but are so kickass they need their own button.
Want to see one of your favorite guys/girls in a button? Leave a comment below with the person and a link to the book description on either Goodreads or Amazon, and Ill post it!

Astarte`s Wrath by Trisha Wolfe

 photo astarte2.jpg  photo astarte.jpg

Destiny`s Fire by Trisha Wolfe

Team Reese - Destiny`s Fire photo TeamReese.jpg Team Jace - Destiny`s Fire photo TeamJace.jpg

Of Silver and Beasts by Trisha Wolfe

 photo teamcaben-1.jpg

Wicked as She Wants by Delilah S. Dawson

 photo teamCasper.jpg

Wicked as they Come by Delilah S. Dawson

 photo teamcriminy.jpg