The Nightwalkers have lived in the shadows of our world for centuries, gifted with abilities few humans can comprehend. For Noah, duty is all--until he meets the woman who is his destiny...
As Demon King, Noah is dedicated to protecting his kind from their human and Nightwalker enemies. Yet for six months he has struggled with vivid dreams that threaten his very sanity. Every night he's tormented by images of a woman both achingly real and tantalizingly beyond his grasp. And his bone-deep need leaves him no choice but to force her to leave the life she's known and enter a world beyond her imagining...
Every day, Kestra risks her life in perilous missions that veer just shy of the law, but she instinctively knows that the imposingly sensual figure before her is a danger unlike any she's ever faced. Kestra has sworn never to trust or need another man, but Noah's lightest touch scorches her with fevered desire, branding her as his mate, blinding them both to the terrifying truth. For within the ranks of their own people lies an adversary growing in number and power. And nothing and no one will be safe again...
Desire awakens at night...
This is the last book on my challenge list for this series. The book was way bigger than the others, so it too me a few days to read it, but I must admit-- I enjoyed every moment of it. Besides the headaches, of course.
As with the other books, the people and places are beautiful and wonderfully detailed. I loved how Kestra was detailed, and Noah too. Noah is my favorite character from the series, so I was glad to see him find love.
Noah, the book, was, for lack of words, an emotional roller coaster. One minute your laughing your ass off, and the next your either ranting and raving or crying your eyes out. It was a wonderful love story, with a few places left for epic battles. Never before have the battles been so... harsh. Not even in Elijah, which had a pretty gory scene. Although, one thing I would have loved was clarity. I felt the ending wasnt fulfilling enough. I would have loved for more issues to be resolved. But it was no big deal.
Noah was in fact an awesome read, and Im glad that I chose to read it. This series is amazing, and as every book comes and goes, the writing gets better and better, and seeing every old character from the other books is icing on the cake. We also see more into the lives of minor characters, and learn more of the demons.
But, without giving anything away, this is all I can review. But trust me -- its epic! I cant wait to be able to read book 6. Keeping an eye out for it!
(And yes, I know this review sucks. Get over it.)
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