I tend to freeze up when asked about my books. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I’m terrified of speaking in public. (I am.) Maybe it’s because I tend to babble about the plot and how much I love my characters because I’m no good at summarizing. (Also true.) It’s easier for me to let one of my characters do the talking. Thus I decided to let Harvey, Patience’s trusty demon minion, explain the Top Five Reasons Why You Should Read Fire in the Blood. After he finishes this level in Angry Birds, he was muttering something about stars and stupid boomerang birds…
Take it away, Harvey! …yes, you have to, or I’ll put your tablet in time out again. Okay. All set? Here we go!
5. My mistress, Patience. Mistress Patience is the finest summoner I have ever served during my time as a demon. Of course she can be…high maintenance, and she has terrible taste in men. (I suspect that her poor romantic choices began years ago when she traded away her sense of taste in a bargain with a different demon in attempt to win the affections of a boy.) But she allows me to have my own room and pre-orders every new game that I ask for so that it arrives promptly on release day. I’ve never heard of any summoner treating her minion so well. She says that I am “spoiled,” but I prefer to think that she is enlightened.
4. There is a special appearance by the Bean. Everyone likes the Bean, though I do prefer to visit Millennium Park during the summer, and not in November. It’s always colder by the lake, and it’s uncomfortable for demons who have no skin, like me.
3. Action! My mistress and I have been extremely busy as we attempt to stem the tide of invading demons, so this story is action-packed. Mistress Patience is very skilled in combat and is ready to face any enemy. (That faerie also helps a bit. I prefer not to speak about him. I don’t approve of his relationship with my mistress. She could do much better.)
2. This story contains the eternal battle of good versus evil. Despite any misconceptions you may have about summoners, I can assure you, my mistress is on the side of good. She is dedicated to keeping this world and the people in it safe (everyone, not just magicians, which I think is quite charitable of her). (Or at least she is when she isn’t being distracted by that faerie.) In fact, I would say that this story is epic, like a Legend of Zelda game. Just without a Triforce. Or Link. Or an enchanted sword. Or a princess. Well, I suppose the argument could be made that Mistress Patience is like a princess, just a self-rescuing one.
1. Me. I must say that I have all of the best lines in this book. My mistress can be witty, but she is a bit brusque, and we won’t speak about that faerie and his overwrought poetry. Suffice it to say that he is always declaring his love for and devotion to Mistress Patience, and it’s quite nauseating. But I suppose if you’re the sort who prefers romance with your action and adventure, then you will enjoy listening to him. Better you than me, dear reader.
Bad Witch Book 3
Robyn Bachar
Robyn Bachar
Genre: Paranormal romance
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-61921-173-5
Number of pages: 139
Word Count: 33,000
Cover Artist: Kanaxa
Book Description:
Patience Roberts is the last summoner standing between magiciankind and certain demon invasion. After banishing two or three demons a day for too long, gods know she’d like nothing better than a little down time with her number one distraction—Faust.
But with vampires, hunters and assassins lined up to take her out, who has the time? Still, she has to admit her resistance to the amorous faerie is wearing thin. Not that she’ll ever let on—after all, faeries are notorious for their short romantic attention spans.
Faust, a Shadowspawn faerie, watched as his outcast clan dwindled to nothing. Determined to hold on to the woman he loves, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect Patience. And one day build a life with her.
When an old demon enemy punches through the barrier between the worlds, Patience must draw on every ounce of her reputation as a cast-iron bitch to temporarily banish him. To get rid of him for good, she’ll have to sacrifice one too many pieces of her soul to leave room for love…
Warning: Contains a hero and heroine so hot they’re literally on fire, naughty faerie sex, post-coital cuteness, angsty magician drama, and yet more gratuitous violence against vampires, demons, and innocent furniture.
Robyn Bachar was born and raised in Berwyn, Illinois, and loves all things related to Chicago, from the Cubs to the pizza. It seemed only natural to combine it with her love of fantasy, and tell stories of witches and vampires in the Chicagoland area. As a gamer, Robyn has spent many hours rolling dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, and slaying creatures in MMPORGs.
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