Everyone has a favorite band or singer, right? I know I do! My favorites change according to my moods, so I accumulate a lot of favorite bands. And everyone LOVES bragging on their favorite band/singer, right? Im right, arent I? So, Im dedicating every monday to... MUSIC!
Nobody can live without music... I dont care who you are. Join in if you want to! It doesnt matter what type of music you like, just brag, brag, brag about your bands! You might even meet new people who love the same bands! They are awesome convo starters, btw. If you do join in this meme, feel free to TAKE THE PIC AND PUT IT IN YOUR POST and then be nice and PUT THE LINK TO YOUR POST IN THE COMMENT SECTION OF THIS POST. Because seriously, Im interested in why you have to say.
This week, for my first ever post, Im going to tell you guys all about my current favorite band, the BLACK VEIL BRIDES! If you havnt heard of them, your either not a fan of rock music, or you have had your head stuck in the sand. OR you might have been deterred by the fact that they look like "the love children of Kiss and Marilyn Manson". NOT my words, but I thought it was funny (and somewhat true). I might even get to see them during the Van Warp tour in July! Yay!
Anywhooo... yes, they have a weird name. Thats the first thing people notice. If your not Roman Catholic, it probably will be strange. Here is a quote from bass player, Ashley Purdy:
“ | Black Veil Brides is a Roman Catholic term used for when a woman marries into the church and gives up all the pleasures of life to devote her life to God. She is then deemed a Black Veil Bride. Sorta’ similar to a rock band where you have to give up many things in pursuit of what you're passionate about or believe in. It also has the dichotomy of the positive and negative. The happiest time in one’s life, could be getting married. And the opposite of that in one’s life would be at a funeral of a loved one. It all tends to fit really well for a dark and heavy rock band. | ” |
Ashley Purdy, People! |
Yes, he is a dude. Just clearing the air there. First off, I think thats amazing (the band name) and I love explaining it to people who give me a WTF? look when I tell them about this band. Im a natural writer (but I suck at reviews! Ha!), and Im curious about other cultured and religions, so this is totally amazing to me.
Another quote from Ashley during an interview (the same one from the last quote, I might add. Im getting this off of Wikipedia) explains about the message the band is trying to convey:
“ | We carry a message of believing in yourself and letting no one tell you otherwise. We stand up for the underdog and the disenfranchised. Anything strange, odd, or unique… we embrace that. So basically standing up for yourself; have fun and live your life how you choose. You only have one life, make the most of it. | ” |
And their music is very good. Warning, there is a bit of screaming in some of their songs, but if you get past that, the message can really it home. It has for me, and a lot of people from what I have gathered. The guitar solos are amazing, and the vocals not half bad (:P lol). Though at first they dressed in makeup with the long hair (my french teacher AND mother thought they were chicks, people), they stand for individuality and standing up for what you believe in. Besides, they pull it off very well. I'm jealous of how well they put on their makeup.
They have recently come out with a new album, STORY OF THE WILD ONES: WRETCHED AND DIVINE. It has a sort of... comic feel to it. Based in an "alternate reality" where music and science doesnt exist, the band is know as the Wild ones. Rebels who "fight the power" and teaches the "outcasts" to stand up for what they believe in, they bring to us 19 (!!!) AMAZING tracks to listen to! There was also a small film that went with (and promoted) the album, but I dont believe that it has come out on dvd. I wish it will! When it came out, they posted links on Facebook where you could rent it on PPV, but I havnt seen anymore of those, much to my dismay.
A quick listing of the CURRENT bands members. Click on the names in the captions to go to a Wikipedia page that will tell you more information about them. I love Wikipedia, ok??
Jake Pitts ( Lead Guitar) |
Andy Biersack (Lead Vocals) |
Ashley Purdy ( Bass, Backing Vocals) (NO link for this one) |
Jinxx (Rhythm guitar, Violin, Backing vocals) |
![]() | ||
Christian (CC) Coma (Drums, Percussion) |
And now for the albums! They have three released albums, each more amazing than the last. In order, they are:
We Stitch Theses Wounds (2010) |
Set the World on Fire (2011) |
Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones (2013) |
The captions contain links to buy them on AMAZON.COM. I think the band would appreciate a purchase, hmm?? They have EPs and singles, AND music videos! I think my favorite is Coffin. Here are some music
Videos they have.
Knives and Pens, from their "We stitch theses wounds" album.
Coffin, an EP or single. Not sure which one, but the Vid and song are amazing.
In the End, from their new album, Wretched and Divine. This one is pretty good, too.
And they have more music videos! So, if your interested in this band, or love them already and now want to watch some, head over to YouTube and watch them! Here is the link to their website (click here) and you can learn more about them! Well, I think I have bragged enough!
Who are you bragging on lately?
Sorry about the formatting, guys! Sometimes it likes being an ass to me! But you can still enjoy!
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