in Our Stars
I love your blog title!!
It truly speaks to me on so many levels!
The celestial – the heavens – gives great power to my new
book for Entangled Publishing - WRITTEN
IN THE STARS - the reincarnation epic
love story of danger and destiny I co-wrote with friend and critique partner,
Patricia Rosemoor. ( I wrote the historical portion/ Patricia the
Here is a description of Lady Elizabeth York’s celestial
girdle from my first journal entry: My old nursemaid warned me of danger should
my choices not be wise, as she coiled around my hips the celestial girdle spun
of gold into mesh studded with rubies, pearls, emeralds, sapphires, and
delicate chains of diamond stars hung by jeweled, golden crescents of the
waxing moon. Hidden within its chains is
a tiny dagger. It is said the old pagan
gods forged this girdle to protect the Wharton women from all evil. I tremble at what may lie before me, but I
dare not turn away from this destiny, for it is set firmly in my stars.
Wouldn’t we all love to own this piece of jewelry????
Particularly if it carried the magic and power it does for Elizabeth!
This celestial girdle is pivotal to the suspense, danger
and magic of WRITTEN IN THE STARS.
I believe my destiny was written in my stars from the
moment I was born – which is one of the reasons I so much wanted to write this
It was destined for me to end my blog tour with you!
About Written in the Stars
‘A love so deep that it can last through centuries?
In 1601, Lady Elizabeth York’s star-shaped birthmark proclaims her a child of magic. When she arrives at Dunham Castle to marry Carlyle, heir to the Duke of Lennox, but finds enchantment in the eyes and touch of Will Grey, the Duke’s bastard son. Bewitched by Elizabeth, Will defies all for their love, and his jilted half-brother places a curse on them both.
Searching for a treasure ship sunk long ago, present-day marine archeologist Cordelia Ward is pursued romantically by both salvager Innis Foley and treasure hunter Morgan Murphy. She is haunted by a murderous nightmare where one man is the killer and the other the victim, but which man is her enemy, which her soul’s mate? Can a journal that belonged to her ancestress, Lady Elizabeth York show her the answers…in time to save her true love?
Chased by evil, two women discover their own magic to fight the villain’s curse on the Posey rings that draw them to the men they are destined to love.
About Sherrill Bodine
I won my first writing award in the seventh grade in a statewide essay contest about a television broadcast of Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates. Instead of Silver Skates, they sent real skates, which I enjoyed immensely. I’m only sorry I don’t still have them so they could hang in my office.
While moving 22 times across the country and rearing our children, I sold stories to Fate Magazine, Home Life Magazine and True Confessions. In 1988, I sold my first novel and a week later received a two-book contract from Fawcett. Sixteen novels later, I’ve seen The Other Amanda win the Wisconsin Romance Writers of America Write Touch Readers’ Award and Talk of the Town chosen by Cosmopolitan magazine as its “Red Hot Read” for February 2009.
Sherrill is also known as Lynn Leslie and Leslie Lynn
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